On-line Tools
The following are publicly available demo installations of the web-based tools for Clafer.
- ClaferIDE
An IDE for Clafer including an editor, compiler, and instance generator.
- Clafer Configurator
A configurator for Clafer, which allows for working with multiple configurations at the same time.
- ClaferMOO Visualizer
A multi-objective optimizer and visualizer for Clafer, which allows exploring and analyzing tradeoffs among the set of optimal instances of a model.
- Clafer Model Wiki
A wiki, which serves as a repository of Clafer models and training materials.
On Desktop
- Clafer Tools Binary Distributions
The bundle contains the binary builds for Windows, Linux, and Mac of Clafer compiler, Alloy-based and Choco-based instance generators and multi-objective optimizers. - ClaferMPS
An implementation of Clafer and Architecture DSL in JetBrains Meta-Programming System (MPS).
Source code
- Clafer compiler
Reference language implementation. Translates Clafer models to Alloy, XML, and desugared Clafer. - ClaferMPS
An implementation of Clafer and Architecture DSL in JetBrains Meta-Programming System (MPS).
- Clafer compiler (Behavioral Extension Fork)
Ongoing development of the behavioral language extension: adds LTL to constraint language, final and initial keywords, and syntactic sugar for property patterns. New AlloyLtl generator produces Alloy code whose instances are traces over time.
- Clafer Wiki
Wiki that integrates informal documentation in natural language with more formal Clafer models.
- Clafer Instance Generator
Interactive, Alloy-based, tool that generates instances of Clafer models, shows counterexamples, and conflicting constraints.
- Choco3-based solver and multi-objective optimizer
A backend for running and optimizing Clafer models compiled into Choco.
- ClaferIDE
A web-based integrated development environment for editing, compiling, and instantiating Clafer models.
- Clafer Configurator
An interactive, web-based, configurator for attributed feature models with inheritance subset of Clafer.
- ClaferMOO Visualizer
Visualizes optimal instances of Clafer modles (Pareto Front) and allows to perform analysis of the Pareto Front.
- Clafer Tools UI Common Platform
An integrated platform used by the product-line of Clafer Web tools: the IDE, the configurator, and the visualizer.
- ClaferChocoIG
A command-line, Choco 3-based instance generator.
- Mooloy-based exact multi-objective optimizer
A multi-objective Alloy-based backend. Performs multi-objective optimization over Clafer models limited to the attributed feature models with inheritance subset.
- Z3 SMT-based solver and multi-objective optimizer
A backend for running and optimizing Clafer models compiled into SMT-Lib (last release