
On-line Tools

The following are publicly available demo installations of the web-based tools for Clafer.
  • ClaferIDE
    An IDE for Clafer including an editor, compiler, and instance generator.
  • Clafer Configurator
    A configurator for Clafer, which allows for working with multiple configurations at the same time.
  • ClaferMOO Visualizer
    A multi-objective optimizer and visualizer for Clafer, which allows exploring and analyzing tradeoffs among the set of optimal instances of a model.
  • Clafer Model Wiki
    A wiki, which serves as a repository of Clafer models and training materials.

On Desktop

  • Clafer Tools Binary Distributions
    The bundle contains the binary builds for Windows, Linux, and Mac of Clafer compiler, Alloy-based and Choco-based instance generators and multi-objective optimizers.
  • ClaferMPS
    An implementation of Clafer and Architecture DSL in JetBrains Meta-Programming System (MPS).

Source code

  • Clafer compiler
    Reference language implementation. Translates Clafer models to Alloy, XML, and desugared Clafer.
  • ClaferMPS
    An implementation of Clafer and Architecture DSL in JetBrains Meta-Programming System (MPS).
  • Clafer compiler (Behavioral Extension Fork)
    Ongoing development of the behavioral language extension: adds LTL to constraint language, final and initial keywords, and syntactic sugar for property patterns. New AlloyLtl generator produces Alloy code whose instances are traces over time.
    • ClaferIDE
      A web-based integrated development environment for editing, compiling, and instantiating Clafer models.
    • Clafer Configurator
      An interactive, web-based, configurator for attributed feature models with inheritance subset of Clafer.
    • ClaferMOO Visualizer
      Visualizes optimal instances of Clafer modles (Pareto Front) and allows to perform analysis of the Pareto Front. 
    Deprecated Software (will no longer be part of future releases)

      Project Ideas

      If you want to contribute to Clafer, we are always happy to collaborate. If you have more ideas, we would be glad to hear about them!