This is a simultaneous release of all Clafer Tools.
Binary builds are available from Clafer Tools - Binary Distributions.
Clafer compiler, release pull request (0.4.3).
- added language feature with backend compatibility table,
- added support for nested abstract clafers to Choco generator,
- added checks for loops in inheritance hierarchy, issue 77,
- fixed an issue with inheritance from a nested abstract clafer which itself has a superclafer, issue 78,
- added min/max to Alloy generator, issue 79,
- removed the unused and outdated python mode
-m python,
- fixed handling paths containing spaces in validation.
- revised help messages, issue 28,
- fix instance output to look like the original model to allow copy/paste from instance to the model for example-driven modeling.
Choco-based instance generator and multi-objective optimizer, release pull request (0.4.3).
ClaferToolsST, release diff (0.4.3).
- ported to the latest Choco3 version 3.3.3,
- added support for nested abstract clafers,
- added API for specifying ordering of clafers by giving priority
branchingPriority([[a,b], [c,d], [e]]);,
- improved performance, decreased solving time on a model from 247 minutes down to 9, see user's comment,
- improved pretty printing of instances to harmonize with ClaferIG,
- fixed multiplication/division and overflows handling,
- fixed handling of zeroes in division.
ClaferToolsST, release diff (0.4.3).
- fixed the problem with double quotes in tool path,
- added a workaround for 32bit Java requirement on Windows for AlloyIG.
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